Early Childhood Educator & Consultant



To have a philosophy I believe that one needs to have had some life experience and to have recognised that they have a belief system. Our belief system is taken with us wherever we go, our attitudes come with us. The fundamental question is "what do we believe in?"

My philosophy, I believe that:

  • everyone needs to be treated as equals
  • each child deserves our respect
  • everyone needs the opportunity to reach their potential development
  • that education begins at or before birth
  • everyone has the right to a sound education

I recognise that each child:

  • has their own unique personality
  • has strengths
  • comes with many and varied experiences
  • needs to be allowed the right to play

I believe adults need to:

  • understand the value of play
  • understand the child centred approach
  • value this approach
  • implement this approach
  • value themselves and their role

I believe that children need:

  • to be provided with the experience of play
  • to be given permission to play
  • to be given the time to play
  • to be provided with appropriate space in which to play
  • to be provided with the appropriate materials to play and
  • to be given the appropriate role modelling from adults, including language

I believe:


Support for the individual

Carolyn Lunt and Student

Focus on the Child
Observation and follow-up sessions which can include:

  • working with the challenging child within the group and/or settling in support
  • follow-up strategy sessions (based on observational information) for parents and staff to provide ongoing support
  • strategies focussing on the child's strengths
  • acknowledgement that all people have strengths and weaknesses

Focus on the Adult
Skills development for parents and staff including:

  • providing age appropriate experience and materials
  • the importance of appropriate language
  • gardening, block-building, cubby building and hammering
  • observation, planning and evaluating
  • fostering the individual within the group

Support for Centres, support for staff
Helping Centres working within the National Quality Framework

  • Accreditation
  • Transition Statements
  • Educational programme
  • Portfolios

With children doing carpentry


Carolyn Lunt book Early Childhood article with Carolyn Lunt pictured with other educators



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